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Writer's picture: Adam FolarinAdam Folarin

Updated: Sep 3, 2024

Jesus visits you part 2

(Luke 5:1-11)

When Jesus finished speaking to the multitudes Jesus turned to Simon and asks him to Launch out into the deep (into the deep waters) and let down his nets for a catch (Luke 5:4). Some miracles are only experienced or realised in the deep. You must be willing to step out into the deep, launch out into the deep even when it doesn’t make sense to you.

For most of us going into the deep may be a scary new experience that stirs up fear and builds up anxiety. Simon and the others were all fishermen. Fishing is what they did for a living they had gone out into these deep waters many times even that previous night as Simon revealed that they had toiled all night and caught nothing (Luke 5:5). So, for these fishermen, these deep waters were not a new experience. However, what was different was Jesus’s presence. They had never been in those waters or gone fishing with Jesus. They had never gone back into the deep knowing that they had not caught any fish the previous night. This experience is different for them. It was new.

However, Simon moved forward prompted by Jesus’s words, taking steps of faith and obedience, he threw his professional fisherman knowledge and experience out of the window and obeyed even though reasoning and rational may have been of the contrary. Simon said, “Nevertheless at your word Lord”(Luke 5:5) Even though he doubted and wasn’t sure what he was being asked to do, but something resonated within him that Jesus was different. Simon decided to risk it and place value of Jesus word above his own understanding or sceptic. Sometimes it can appear foolish, risky even impulsive, when responding by faith in what Jesus has asked of you but if you launch into the deep waters trusting His word. Jesus can cause you to experience new things, new dynamics, miracles, signs, wonders and a deeper relationship with Him.

They caught a great multitude of fish to the point their nets were breaking and had to call his partners in the boat to help, and even so, both boats were so full they began so sink. Jesus had supernatural power beyond our limitation in which Simon was able to locate fish where they had earlier found none. His power defied time, gravity and reason. Where there had been nothing two boats full of fish and starting to sink. At this time Simon's spiritual eyes were opened and recognised Jesus’s divinity and his own sinful state (Luke 5:8). They were all astonished at the great catch of fish. You have heard it said save the best for last. In verse 10 Jesus said to Simon “Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men.” These words were all that this whole encounter was about; this is where Jesus was heading to, from the beginning, to enter Simon’s world and reveal the kingdom work He had for him to do.

They brought their boats to land and followed Jesus from that day onwards. Jesus entered into Simon’s boat to encounter his life and his partners too, James and John sons of Zebedee had an encounter through observing the interaction of Simon and Jesus and the miracle that transpired and at the end they all followed Jesus. Today make room for Jesus in the boat of your life and see what new experiences you will have and what he will reveal to you of Himself, about you or His purpose for you. It was after they caught the multitude of fish that Simon recognises Jesus’s divinity and recognised that Jesus is more than just a teacher, preacher, prophet, master. Jesus wants to come and do something amazing, something spectacular to begin a spectacular work in you. Start by making room in your boat and be expectant.

By F.Delaney

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