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Writer's picture: Adam FolarinAdam Folarin

Updated: Sep 3, 2024

Jesus visits you part 1

(Luke 5:1:-11)

When you read this passage of scripture one may conclude it’s about a miraculous catch of fish, but it’s really about you and what God wants to do through your liThe Fish miracle is part of it of course. Jesus uses the miracle to draw Simon and the others to the truth he eventually reveals to them. The miracle was the hook to draw them closer to himself intentionally to get their attention. Jesus visitation challenged what they knew what they were used to who they thought they were or able to do. So Jesus uses it to open their eyes to spiritual truth – Who Jesus is, who you are and His purpose.

It’s interesting that at Jesus arrival to the scene – at the sea of Geneserat, the two boats that were there, the fishermen were out of their boats washing their nets. They appeared to have given up and about heading home. Yet Jesus brings hope to the fisherman of the two boats. Jesus decides to step into Simon's boat. We don’t always know when God will invade our space to step into the boat of our lives with a special personal visitation, which will begin a purpose driven journey of transformation and intimate relationship with Him.

It is possible that Jesus was drawn to Simon’s plight when he chose between the two boats to go into Simon’s. We learn later that out of Jesus’s disciples that Simon (Peter) was the only one who was married, which means he was likely to have had more responsibilities than the others. Simon must have felt dejected, defeated, helpless, even shame, and didn’t know what he would say to his wife and family, returning home having caught nothing and unable to provide for them. It’s possible he had got to the end of his own sufficiency.

Jesus knows us and knows the right time to step in. If he steps in at a time, we feel we have it all together and are in control, we will fail to see the truth he wants to reveal to us because we are blinded by our own sufficiency. It is in times of lack that we learn God provides for our needs and times of weakness we learn He is our strength, and we are strong in Him.

I believe Jesus is always intentional in what he does, I believe he purposefully went into Simon’s boat. He entered Simon’s world, the place where he had control, pride, and success, to begin a transformation work, a miraculous work in Simon. Simon would encounter Jesus in a new way in a personal way, not just as a teacher he listened to teaching the multitudes or saw heal the sick from a distance. This visitation and miracle are for him and the overflow of it impacted others with him. His fellow friends and partner fishermen also had an encounter with Jesus that’s personal. Listen, Jesus sees you right where you are at. He sees your need, even the inner needs and longings that others cannot see, and He is ready to meet you there with the right remedy for whatever it is that concerns you.

Jesus instructs Simon to put out his boat a little from the land. The words put out also mean launch out a little. Some small movement is expected initially. Taking those small steps of faith. Obedience in the small or least things. Once Simon had done that - Jesus sat down and taught the multitudes who had followed him and were waiting to hear his wise teaching. See how Jesus uses Simon’s obedience in the small to bless all who were listening, with his wise life teachings. Jesus is ready to use your small steps of faith and obedience to change and transform lives. Will you make room for Him in your boat like Simon did.

By F. Delaney

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